Afternoon high: 75F
Tonight's projected low: 49F
Humidity: 88%
Moon: Returning, 1%
Wind: N at 6 mph
Overall: It looks to be an amazing day, very cool, sunny and with a lovely breeze no less! : )
This Morning.
1. So far, we've been cutting saplings from the edge of the Pipeline, and hauling them up to more level ground where we can remove any leaves and branches and cut them up into fencing pieces.
The Pipeline.
Trunks and limbs cut and brought up from the Pipeline.
M's flowers are coming up everywhere.
Once smaller branches and leaves are removed, we have "Bentwood" ready to be made into fencing pieces.
Helen's always watching. "One never knows when a treat might be had..."
Fencing pieces 40" - 50" in length.
Fencing with Garden beyond.
1. We've been watering the BlueBerry Grove (BBG) for about an hour now. With the soaker hoses laid in beneath the pine straw mulch, watering is easy and fairly efficient, as the mulch keeps the soil cool and wet. Here are two looks at the BBG, from opposite perspectives.
2. Here's our two million feet of netting intended for the BBG. The Plan states that this netting will be hung from the 4' X 4' posts surrounding the BBG. Hmmmm. I'm concerned that the poles are STILL too far apart, and will need to be moved for a third time. So far, this is the worst-planned projected I've attempted.
3. Here, in a little while, and with considerable good fortune, you'll see the BBG covered in netting.
Did not happen.. so sorry : (
This Evening.
1. Helen is a star that rises and sets with us each day, so...
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