Thursday, February 8, 2007

Weeding and Seeding

I finally got around to pulling up a few weeds in the garlic bed today. It isn't a huge bed. I planted 110 cloves of Inchelium Red, some other variety whose name I forgot (this is why I need a garden journal), and a few cloves from the Publix to fill out the bed. The bed was double-dug by K and enriched with compost, manure, and worm poop from our kitchen worm farm. Then I put what I thought was a pretty heavy mulch of wheat straw down. The garlic started pushing up in December, but all the literature I read said that was ok. However, what with working nights, being a new nurse, winter, and just general laziness, I haven't been out to the garlic patch much since. Garlic doesn't like to compete. I've not only read this, but I've lost an entire bed of garlic in the past because of winter-laziness-lack-of-weeding.

Even more exciting than weeding: I ordered seeds today from Baker's Creek.


Tappy's Heritage
Black Cherry
Dr. Wyche's Orange
Ananas Noir

Hill Country Red Okra


Golden Midget Watermelon

Flat Egyptian Beets

Rosa Bianca (or is it Blanca?) Eggplant

Helios Radish

Purple Artichoke

Some butterhead lettuce whose name I can't recall

I'm recreating this list from memory because I'm in bed in a dark room with The Real Housewives of Orange County on the television -- I'm on call -- and yes, I do feel dirty. Although Baker Creek is my favorite seed source, sometimes I wonder if it isn't also written (or at least edited) in bed in a darkened room by someone also secretly watching some really trashy television. It has typos (but not too many) and sometimes will call a particular variety by one name on one page and a slightly different one on another page. But it is still my all time favorite lie-in-a-hot-bath-in-January-and-look-at-pictures-of-exotic-veggies-I-could-plant-in-the-spring-catalog.

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